Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Ok, so on a positive regard to the debacle that was my first 5k...this was a great event sponsored by the hospital up north where my cousin who ROCKS is a nurse...(and nurses ROCK!) anyway, I was harassing her to run it with me, and she ended up doing the 5k walk...and placing FIRST for her age division!
(Side note, she walked it only a few minutes slower than it took me to run it...yeah, I'm that slow and she's that fast!!)

So we'll be seeing her name all over the metro-Detroit 5k power-walk circuit for the rest of the summer!! Go Renee! Holla!!


Oh my goodness...I see it's been pitifully long since our last post, so here's a quick update...
1. I have been working out twice a week with my friend, Bridget, who is awesome!! She is getting ready to run the Detroit Free-Press half-marathon, and I'm getting ready to cheer her on! ha-ha!
2. I ran my first 5k (actually, first time running outdoors since high-school track...) and got lapped by a 10-year old girl, an 85-year old man, and one of those speed-walkers. I need some more training...
3. Vacation Bible School at Elizabeth's school was last week, and was a big success! Elizabeth hung out with several of her little classmates and had a great time. This was also good for me, because it meant only having to drag Andrew to the gym! (Shame on you, selfish mommy!)
4. Elizabeth celebrated her 5th birthday the end of June, with a small picnic celebration with two of her best buds...then proceeded to throw up in my new car the minute we pulled into the garage. (And no, it wasn't too much cupcakes like I originally thought, because Andrew was sick the next day...)
5. We just got over all the ear infections (Elizabeth ended up getting a double ear infection, although not as bad as Andrew's) and that weird throw-up incident, and now Andrew has a 102-degree fever and diarrhea...which brings us to -
6. We are (supposed to be) leaving tomorrow morning to spend the 4th of July holiday in scenic northern Michigan with preppy daddy's family - after we take out a 2nd mortgage to fill up the gas tank on our SUV! ha!

Happy 4th of July - we'll post some new pictures soon!