Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

Here's one for wordless Wednesday...."crump teeth"....'nuff said!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Ok Aunt is my first photostory attempt...this is addicting!!! I already have some good ideas for some more!!! This is just a snippet of Elizabeth (and Andrew!) with different outfits, hairstyles, etc. Enjoy!!

Christmas Day!!

Andrew, rockin' out with his new drum from Grandma & soon as opened it, he picked up the sticks, raised them up, clicked them together while shouting "one, two, fee, fow" and then started banging...just like a rock star! I still don't know where he got that - but it was funny!!

Elizabeth with a favorite gift...a doll from Aunt Stacey that came with a bunch of hair-styling accessories...lots of fun!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

'twas the night before Christmas...

Sorry, Christmas February! Here we are getting ready for church - don't they look sweet in their Christmas outfits??!

and, 'twas the night before Christmas...cookies and diet Coke, ready for Santa!! (At our house, Santa prefers diet Coke to least it's better than my brother, who leaves a Bud Light for mother frowns on that one!)