Thursday, August 13, 2009

At the Lake!

A few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to spend time with some dear friends that have moved to the west side of the state. They have a small lake in their backyard, complete with a little beach for swimming, and a dock for fishing! The weather was great, and the kids had a wonderful time! I wasn't sure how my "city kids" would like swimming in the lake (they typically avoid getting their feet dirty!!) but they loved it! My friend Jenny pushed their play structure up to the waters' edge and the kids used it as a water slide - it was so cute!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Fun!

Sorry to have been away for so long - we have been having a great summer, filled with lots of fun and friends! Elizabeth and I have been to Chicago, where we saw "Mary Poppins" at the theatre and had dinner at American Girl. We also came home with a new doll - a sister for Bitty Baby!! We recently visited the "West Side" of our state of Michigan, and stayed with friends in the Grand Rapids suburbs. Their new house is on a small lake, and we spent a few relaxing days swimming and fishing! Now that we are back at home, we are still enjoying what's left of our summer break, by staying cool in the pool at our health club. Andrew and Elizabeth had swim lessons there ealier in the summer, and are enjoying practicing what they've learned. We still have a few weeks left of vacation before school starts up again, and Michigan has finally decided to give us some nice, hot weather! Will post some pics of summer fun soon, as soon as my computer gets it's "glitch fixed!" More soon!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

Here's one for wordless Wednesday...."crump teeth"....'nuff said!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Ok Aunt is my first photostory attempt...this is addicting!!! I already have some good ideas for some more!!! This is just a snippet of Elizabeth (and Andrew!) with different outfits, hairstyles, etc. Enjoy!!

Christmas Day!!

Andrew, rockin' out with his new drum from Grandma & soon as opened it, he picked up the sticks, raised them up, clicked them together while shouting "one, two, fee, fow" and then started banging...just like a rock star! I still don't know where he got that - but it was funny!!

Elizabeth with a favorite gift...a doll from Aunt Stacey that came with a bunch of hair-styling accessories...lots of fun!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

'twas the night before Christmas...

Sorry, Christmas February! Here we are getting ready for church - don't they look sweet in their Christmas outfits??!

and, 'twas the night before Christmas...cookies and diet Coke, ready for Santa!! (At our house, Santa prefers diet Coke to least it's better than my brother, who leaves a Bud Light for mother frowns on that one!)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Christmas card photo shoot...

Here is the photo I ended up using in my Christmas cards this year...I had big plans to order some photo cards online, but the closer we got to Christmas (and I still had no appropriate photo...)the prices kept going up! It would have cost close to $250 for like, 50 cards...and I just couldn't justify it! So, I ended up buying some cards at HomeGoods, printing this picture on my home printer and sticking it inside the cards! Not quite Martha Stewart, but good enough, right?!

Here is one of the pictures that didn't make it to the final cut...!!! Cute, though!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Elizabeth and her kindergarten class put on an adorable program as part of their annual Thanksgiving Feast at her school...the whole family was invited and fun was had by all!

Sadly, this is not my 3rd's our friend's baby, Reed - taking part in our family picture!

Elizabeth and some of the other "pilgrim" girls!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Catching up!!!

Oh has been quite a while since our last post! In fact, several holidays have passed, and we are in a new season here in MI...COLD!!! I'll update over the next several days...then we have some exciting new things to post about!

First, here are some Halloween pics...

Elizabeth was a funky ballerina!

Andrew was our adorable indian!

We had lot of fun trick-or-treating with our friends, then enjoying a neighborhood bonfire!