Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Fun!

Sorry to have been away for so long - we have been having a great summer, filled with lots of fun and friends! Elizabeth and I have been to Chicago, where we saw "Mary Poppins" at the theatre and had dinner at American Girl. We also came home with a new doll - a sister for Bitty Baby!! We recently visited the "West Side" of our state of Michigan, and stayed with friends in the Grand Rapids suburbs. Their new house is on a small lake, and we spent a few relaxing days swimming and fishing! Now that we are back at home, we are still enjoying what's left of our summer break, by staying cool in the pool at our health club. Andrew and Elizabeth had swim lessons there ealier in the summer, and are enjoying practicing what they've learned. We still have a few weeks left of vacation before school starts up again, and Michigan has finally decided to give us some nice, hot weather! Will post some pics of summer fun soon, as soon as my computer gets it's "glitch fixed!" More soon!