Monday, June 2, 2008

Preppy Girl's "seeing" glasses...

Grandma Berg sent us this picture of Preppy Girl, reading her bible with her "seeing glasses"! She realizes the difference between sunglasses and reading glasses, and calls them "seeing glasses" instead of reading glasses! She also sees me put my glasses in their case when I put my contacts in, so she has carefully chosen a little box with a lid to put her glasses in every night! She is too cute!

We've been battling sickness here over the weekend - after a couple sleep-interrupted, coughing-fit-filled nights - we took Andrew in to the emergency clinic last night, and he ended up having an ear infection! (I thought it was bronchitis...good thing I'm not a doctor!!) So we have antibiotics and he's already acting a little bit perkier - it's hard to keep a good kid down!!