Tuesday, May 20, 2008

In the kitchen with velcro monkey...

So I saw some fresh cherries at the grocery store, and thought they looked really good. My kids are very good eaters (Andrew's allergy issues aside...) but I'm always looking for different, healthy foods for them to try. The sign above the cherries said something like $3.49/lb, so I grabbed a bag, thinking no way is this more than a pound.

Well, apparently it was quite a bit more than a pound, since preppy hubby looked at the receipt and politely pointed out that the cherries were a little over $8.00!! Yikes!

So, in an effort to make sure each and every cherry gets used, I made a cherry coffee-cake. I took a recipe for a blueberry coffee cake, substituted cherries and added a little almond extract. It turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

This was the scene in my kitchen as I stood at the counter trying to cut up cherries into tiny little pieces for the coffee cake! "Let me see, Mommy - let me see!"

PS - Andrew is kind of a Mommy's boy (which is fine with me!) He likes to know where I'm at all the time, and is prone to running up and attaching himself to my leg, no matter what I'm trying to accomplish!! I've learned to do a lot of things (as I'm sure many of you out there have!) with a toddler hanging off my leg! I've heard the term "Velcro-monkey" and didn't really know how appropriate it is until now!


Suburban prep said...

I was just at Costco today contemplating purchasing the cherries. I ended up without them in the card otherwise I would have finished them in one sitting. Love fresh fruit almost to a fault.

Anonymous said...

You should start putting him to work in the kitchen. His future wife will thank you :)

rozmom said...

Andrew can come cook with me anytime!!!