Tuesday, May 6, 2008


We are home from the hospital...Andrew had another gastroscopy procedure done today, to check the progress of his eosinophilic esophagitis (EE). It's basically a scope of his esophagus to check and see if there is more damage, or if it's staying the same - they also took a biopsy to check the white blood cell count. Doctor said the esophagus looks good (just some minor acid-reflux damage), we should get the biopsy results back in a couple of weeks. Then, we'll probably have to follow up with his allergist. Poor little guy is allergic to so many foods, we are concerned that he's getting enough nutrition for an active toddler!! ha-ha! He has been drinking his rice milk, though - so that is good. I am going to try to sneak in some of the neocate (amino-acid based formula), so we'll see. (Last time I tried, he declared "that's not good" and refused to drink it...)

The nurses sure loved him & paid lots of extra attention to him - he was the littlest patient today! (They all loved his bed-head!) He did very well coming out of the anesthesia...he's just a little groggy from having to be up at 5:30 a.m. - he's kind of stumbling around like a drunken sailor! We're going to watch Sesame Street now and maybe have a nap!


Dangerous Daddy Daycare said...

Good for him! I hope the biopsy is good. Have a good night.