Thursday, May 1, 2008

More birthday fun...

(This is our little friend Kendelia!)

As I was emailing some of these pictures to my friend, Jenny, it occured to me that I should put some of them up here. Her daughter, Kendelia, turned 1 last weekend and we had lots of fun at her party. It was at a place called Gymboree...the kids all had lots of fun playing and helping little Kendel open her gifts!!

Elizabeth enjoying a juice box!

Elizabeth posing among the presents...with Andrew monkeying in the background!

I heard that this Gymboree place was for sale and thought it sounded like a neat business venture (plus, think of all the cool birthday parties we could have!) I mentioned this to Preppy Hubbby, and he acted like I just asked him if was a good idea if I went out and hooked on 8-mile..."OMG, are you KIDDING me??" "We don't have time for that...maybe some day when the kids are grown." When the kids are grown, I am not going to want to be hanging around the Gymboree crowd...I will want to be on a beach somewhere!! Oh well, it was a good idea for a minute...too bad about the parties!!


Jenny said...

Elizabeth is such a cutie! She looks so mature without her juice. Heehee.

Jeni said...

OMG!! I totally snorted out loud at the 8 mile joke!! You're so stinkin' funny JILL BERG!!