Sunday, May 18, 2008


Ah, Target!!! Did I ever mention I love Target? Preppy Hubby hates Target, because we (and by we - I mean me and the kids!) can't seem to leave that place without our total bill being at least 3-digits! My friend once jokingly referred to Target as her $100 true!

So today, as Elizabeth and I are going to the gym, I felt my fake-Adidas-Target-knock-off flip-flop feeling a little funny (I thought the velcro was just loose) I look down and see the one side of it has fallen completely in, the glue (not stitching) holding it together had completely disintegrated. I have to wear my shower flip-flips into the gym (because it was raining, and I didn't want my running shoes to get wet, then I'd slip and fall on the treadmill, blah, blah).

So, after the kiddos are in bed, I swing on over to my local Target to look for the Adidas-Target-knock-offs. Which, btw, I saw earlier at a discount shoe store (the real ones, mind you) for $29. Called hubby to see if it was ok to get them (since I was already getting a new pair of more expensive running shoes) - he started hollering, so I took that as a "no". (Turns out, he was in the middle of a hot hand of on-line poker, and was yelling at the German across the table, not at me!!)

Anyhoo, so I go into Target for the flippy-flops - which now of course they don't have in my size. At least 1 pair in every size but is that for irony? So I left Target with a pair of pajama pants (on clearance for $3!!), a t-shirt, and some other random goodies from the dollar total was $30...and NO FLIP-FLOPS!! ha-ha. Somehow I don't think hubby will find this is as funny as I do...did I mention I love Target?


The Rockin' Wife said...

I love Target so much.... We now have a Super Target near my house, so when I swing in for some groceries, I leave with some cute clothes, a toy or two, some melamine dishes for outside, some shoes, maybe a bathing suit, some hair product of some sort, a book, stuff from the dollar bins, some stationery, oh and the milk I needed.

Preppy Mommy said...

See...I knew I was not alone!!

McMommy said...

I am laughing so hard at the "receipt" at the begining of your post!!! I refer to Target as my money sucks the money right out of my wallet.

And yet...I keep going back each week.... :)

Preppy Mommy said...

There should be rehab for Target...seriously!

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with Target. Just to many cute things!