Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I received this beautiful flower from Elizabeth for Mother's Day (it was a Sunday School project!)

She was so proud of herself.

I also got this card...

I'm still not quite sure which stick figures represent which family members, but it's cute all the same. I love stick people!

Here's a cute story about Elizabeth...on Sunday (Mother's Day) I had to go to early service at our church to play in the bell choir, and then had to play my flute at the later service. Since the kids are so little, preppy daddy and Andrew come for the late service, and since we live pretty close to church, I run home between services and bring Elizabeth back for Sunday School. (Makes you tired thinking about it, doesn't it??) Anyway, everyone was still sleeping when I left for the early service, and when I came back to pick up Elizabeth, she was standing in the kitchen looking so cute, just beaming because she knew it was a special day. Preppy Daddy says, "Elizabeth, do you have something to say to Mommy?" Without missing a beat she says, "Well, while you were at church and Daddy was in the shower, I snitched a couple of marshmallows." - Of course what daddy meant was to wish me Happy Mother's Day, which she did!! Kids just can't lie - they rat themselves out every time!!


Anonymous said...

Too cute! Snitching marshmallows is serious stuff.

rozmom said...

I Love that Elizabeth:)