Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of Kindergarten!!

Here she is...our big kindergarten girl!!! She had a half-day today, full day tomorrow and Thursday, then off for Labor Day weekend. She really liked it & said she had a lot of fun! Her teacher seems really nice, and we've heard lots of good things about her from other parents at the school. We did okay at home without her...Andrew was missing his partner in crime a little bit, but we went to the gym with our friends and he had fun there! One thing that may be an issue...Elizabeth is pretty concerned that tomorrow during "rest time", she won't have taggie & lambie, and "doesn't know how she's going to get to sleep"! Hmm...
She was tired tonight, and was asking when it was time to go to bed...we'll have to get off our relaxed summer schedule and into our school routine!
Time is going by so fast...pretty soon Andrew will be there too!


Anonymous said...

Could she look any sweeter?

I get teary just thinking about my girl going off to Kindergarten next year.

Kathie B. said...

She looks adorable. My oldest goes to Kindergarten next Tuesday. She'll have all-day kindergarten starting from day one. She'll even take the bus! Oh boy, it goes by quickly. Best wishes on a great school year.