Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weekend Fun!!

We went to our city's summer festival on Friday evening. Everyone had lots of fun eating cotton candy, and going on the rides. Elizabeth has gone on the little kiddie rides before, but Andrew has always been too small - so we weren't quite sure how he'd like them...and he loved them!!!When each ride came to a stop, he cried and cried! For his first ride (the Dumbo ride!), big sister Elizabeth made sure to ride with him and hold his hand - it was so cute!

It was a beautiful day today, so after church and after lunch, I decided to wash my car. I thought it might be nice to have and extra set of hands "or two!" to I filled an exta little bucket with suds and sponges, and we had lots of fun getting Mommy's car "nice and clean!"

We're looking forward to more summer fun this week - the countdown is on, only 3 weeks until school starts!!


Kathie B. said...

love it! Seems like we can't wash our vehicles without *help*. Still, if I could only teach them to run the vacuum...

Enjoy the time until school starts. I find I'm counting down but it'll be here soon enough.
ps I'm a preppy mommy too =) at least I like to think I am. gotta love it.

rozmom said...

I so miss the days of watching the little ones on rides, how fun! I'd LOVE some little helpers to clean my van:)