Sunday, August 17, 2008


Oh my goodness...I am dating myself here, but I just got back from my 20-year high school reunion!!! I was so nervous to go...I almost backed out at the last minute, but am so glad to have gone! It was even more fun than the 10 year. It was so neat to reconnect with many people I hadn't seen since h.s./college...very fun to share family photos, and found out that a few people live near us! I am going to try and find some h.s. pictures to scan to compare with the ones taken this weekend. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I have really fond memories of high was a happy time for me. You know how some people maybe were homecoming queen, voted "most likely to succeed", etc - guess what I was voted? Yes, that's right...I was voted "Biggest Preppie"! My prize was a bottle of spray starch, and the boy that was voted biggest prep took a briefcase to class instead of a backpack...good times!!