Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Meme...

Ok, so since there is nothing exciting happening around here, either...I am taking a great idea from Beth over at Little Princess Chronicles and doing the meme the she recently posted.

Rules: Post a current picture of you and your children & answer the questions below:

*Although this is not a recent picture, it does make me laugh and brings back memories! Shortly after Andrew was born, I worked for a bit at a little scrapbook store, and when I got home this is how I was usually greeted!!*

Anyway, here goes the meme:

1. How many children do you have? Two

2. What are their ages? 5 and 2 1/2

3. What time do you usually start you day? Now that school has started, 7:00 a.m.

4. What do they eat for breakfast? Neither one are big breakfast eaters...usually a few bites of a pop-tart and some apple juice.

5. Do they watch television? Yes, we try to keep it just kid shows with minimal commercials. Current favorites are "Charlie & Lola" and "Curious George"

6. What is their favorite activity? Besides chasing each other around the house and screaming at the top of their lungs, going for walks and playing outside!

7. Do you get a break during the day for "you" time? Since school has started, Andrew and I have been going to the gym a lot during the week...he goes into the child-care area and I work out...I consider that "me" time! He will then usually nap a bit in the afternoon before we have to go pick up preppy girl from school.

8. What is your normal bedtime routine? Bath, p.j.'s, snack and snuggling/reading books. Then prayers and tuck into bed.

9. How do you end your day? Either working in my scrapbook area, fiddling on my new computer (trying to figure out itunes, my new digital camera, etc.!) all kinds of fun stuff! When I get bored with that, there's always bugging preppy hubby with too many questions during a complicated movie!! (He just loves that!)

10. What's your best parenting advice or tip? My youngest has some health concerns, and I got this tidbit from an unlikely source...after I was fretting about the potential damage that had unknowingly been done before he was correctly diagnosed with multiple food went along this line..."Hey, we're all out there just trying to do the best we can as parents, trying to make the best decisions possible with the information that we have." I can't take credit for it, but I like it!


Anonymous said...

Love the picture! That is one happy looking girl.