Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Fun-Day

We have had a fun weekend...literally! We went to two different "family fun festivals" this weekend...Oktoberfest in Rochester Hills on Saturday with some friends and their little girl. That was very fun...we had a nice adult dinner and then pony rides and bounce houses for the kids! Elizabeth was unsure of the pony at first, but Andrew hopped right on...they gave him the littlest pony named "Peanut"! ha-ha! The second time around, Elizabeth did decide to join in and had lots of fun!
So today after church was our congregation's annual car show and family fun festival! Again, more bounce houses (this one had a slide!) and kiddie games, etc. Last year, Elizabeth won a goldfish...he's in heaven now, so she really tried to win another one, but no luck! (whew!) I was working the games, and preppy daddy was busy watching the kids, so we didn't get any pictures, but here is a picture from the same festival a few years ago...Elizabeth is so little, and I was pregnant with Andrew!
Now we have to rest up for a busy week of school!