Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Torture Tuesday....

Yikes...I went to the podiatrist today because I have been having some foot pain. I've been running and working out with my awesome friend, Bridget, who is training for her first half-marathon, and the pain has been gradually getting worse and worse, so I figured it was time to get it looked at. The nice Dr. took about 3 x-rays and determined that there were no breaks. Tendinitis. Next he says we'll just do a quick cortisone shot and see how that goes...yikes! As soon as I see the needle I start squirming...I've had 2 children, but I still don't like needles! Anyway, relax he says...it looks like it's going to hurt a lot more than it actually will...well, let me just say, it DID hurt as much as I thought that it would, and then maybe a little more! EEKK!! So I hobbled home, laid around with the laptop LITERALLY on my lap, and pretty much waiting until it's time to go to bed so I can take some strong pain-killers. I asked preppy hubby for a stong shot of jack daniels night-cap, but he suggested I just try and get some sleep! We'll see how it goes...


Anonymous said...

That does not sound like fun!

Do you know if it is possible for a kid to have this? My four year old twisted her ankle a couple of weeks ago and still complains intermittently about pain, but there is very little swelling. It is a bit of a mystery and I have been wondering if I should take her to the doctor.

rozmom said...

No needles with "grama shoes" and no pain. :)

Jenny said...

Any better??