Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Today was my birthday, and daddy brought home a chocolate birthday was a big hit!! Anything with frosting is a big hit around here...of course, half an hour later they were running circles around the living room...sugar buzz!!

Lambie gets a bath...

We have encouraged both of our kids to have special "lovey" items...this makes going for naps, bedtime, etc. just so much easier. It also helps them when we travel to visit family, etc. However, with Elizabeth - her "taggie" and "lambie" have become more than just lovies - they are an obesession! Since she still takes regular's nearly impossible to pry them out of her hands to wash them. Grandma Berg made the wonderful "taggie" blanket, and Grandma Stedry got the lamb for her. I happened to see an identical lamb on clearance when I was out shopping, so I bought it. Preppy Hubby was like, what are you doing? I explained to him that if we ever had a throw-up situation, this "back-up Lambie" could come in handy, which it has. It is now known as "Lambie's brother, Lambie", which is all well and fine, except lately when you saw the two of them together, it was quite apparent that the real Lambie was badly in need of a bath! So one day last week I decided it was bath day for taggie and lambie - I took picture of both Lambie's - I'm not even sure if these pictures give you the full scope of how "loved" he was!!

Lambie - before his bath!!

Lambie's brother, Lambie - not quite as 'loved'!

As a side note, we're happy to report that both taggie and lambie came out of the washer and dryer in one piece, both smelling fresh and clean, much to the liking of their owner, Elizabeth!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kitchen Pass??

I just have a question...has anyone out there heard the term "kitchen pass"? I will use it in a sentence. Preppy Hubby's good friend (SINGLE friend...) invited him to go to the Tigers' opening day baseball game...which not only means the game -it involves staying downtown all day, before and after the game. But hey - I figure, he works hard, he won't be driving, he deserves a day of fun, right? Here's what his single friend says to him, "So, d'ya think you can get the kitchen pass?" I was like, what is that? Hubby had never heard it either, so we though it was something his friend made up.

Tonight, he called and told me that his boss offered him a ticket for the company suite for the Red Wings play-off game. I'm a girl and even I know this is an opportunity he should not pass up, so I say sure honey, have fun. He stopped home to change his clothes, and told me that his boss also used that phrase when he offered the ticket. "Call Jill and get the kitchen pass!" What IS that?? I take mild offense to it, because I am the first one to encourage him to go out and do guy things with his friends...even though that means I am home all night with the little heathens (I mean, sweethearts!!) I'm just kidding, they are good kids. I do think it's a funny term...and now with golf season starting up, I can see it being grossly overused in our house all summer!!

PS - Go Wings!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!

Need I say more?? Here are some close-ups of the two little monkeys...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Elizabeth's new bob...

Here is a picture of Elizabeth's preppy new bob..we (and by we, I mean me!) are trying to grow her bangs out, and they are just about there! To try and be diplomatic, I asked her if she wanted to grow out her bangs, and she says, "YES!" followed by, "What are bangs?" Oh well, at least she really is happy with it! Less hair means less time washing it, which translates to less time crying about it while in the bathtub...I don't know about you all, but I wish I had someone who would wash my hair (without having to pay for it!) ha-ha!

And of course, you can't take a picture of one around here without taking a picture of the other... monkey see, monkey do, monkey says, "cheese!!"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Oh my during lunch, Elizabeth gave me her order for cinnamon toast (the kind with cinnamon & sugar SPRINKLED on it, not cinnamon bread!) and since I would never have made it as a waitress, I gave her the wrong kind! As she politely points out my mistake, I say under my breath, "Mommy's crazy..." and Andrew chimes in with, "Mom-mee kah-zee!" I grab the camera to try and get him saying this on video, because I think it's hilarious, and all he will do is say, "Cheese!" over and over, because that's all he ever does now anytime he sees a camera, or a cell phone for that matter...(because in our house, a cell phone is just another camera!!)

PS - did I mention this was lunchtime? check out the major bed-head...isn't he cute!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

No, my husband really is not Andrew McCarthy...

Sorry, I just had to do it! For those of you that know me, obviously this is not a picture of my real-life husband. However, he does have a strong resemblance to Andrew McCarthy circa Pretty in Pink, as well as Edward Norton circa Fight Club...kind of a rockin' combo, don't you think?? I showed this to him tonight, and he just laughed and said he found it mildly offensive, which I guess means I can keep the picture up, as long as I don't get a scathing email from the real Andrew McCarthy's you Andrew, you are the defintion of Preppy in the 80's. And since I didn't have the nerve to really name my son Blaine, I figured Andrew was the next best thing...

Quick question...

Is it a bad thing that my 4-year-old knows what my Bluetooth is?? She saw me put it on the counter, and casually asked "Mommy, would you like me to put your Blue-toof in the basket?" Because between Preppy Daddy and me, we have 2 Blackberry's, 1 pager, 1 bluetooth and about 20 random charging devices (?), so we keep all of this "stuff" in a basket in the kitchen...yikes! Does this make us bad parents? Or is it good that we're teaching her real-world social and technology skills??

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Just wrong on so many levels...

This is our dear son...I came into the living room one morning to find that Elizabeth had taken off her shirt, and Andrew had somehow taken off his jammies, and gotten into the shirt. The photo op was just too hilarious to pass up. Of course, Preppy Dad is not happy - he says this will cost many therapy sessions in the future...

Insights from a 4-year old...

The other day, my sweet-pea daughter and I were having a random conversation about school, daily life, etc. I try to spice things up by asking what I perceive to be questions that will provoke funny answers. We were talking about people in charge, so I ask "Who do you think is in charge around here?" - feeling pretty sure she'll come back with "well, you're in charge, Mommy!" But instead, she thinks for a few seconds and says "Jesus is in charge, Mommy!"

All I could say was "Yes, honey - that's right!"

Jesus will be in charge if we just let him...