Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kitchen Pass??

I just have a question...has anyone out there heard the term "kitchen pass"? I will use it in a sentence. Preppy Hubby's good friend (SINGLE friend...) invited him to go to the Tigers' opening day baseball game...which not only means the game -it involves staying downtown all day, before and after the game. But hey - I figure, he works hard, he won't be driving, he deserves a day of fun, right? Here's what his single friend says to him, "So, d'ya think you can get the kitchen pass?" I was like, what is that? Hubby had never heard it either, so we though it was something his friend made up.

Tonight, he called and told me that his boss offered him a ticket for the company suite for the Red Wings play-off game. I'm a girl and even I know this is an opportunity he should not pass up, so I say sure honey, have fun. He stopped home to change his clothes, and told me that his boss also used that phrase when he offered the ticket. "Call Jill and get the kitchen pass!" What IS that?? I take mild offense to it, because I am the first one to encourage him to go out and do guy things with his friends...even though that means I am home all night with the little heathens (I mean, sweethearts!!) I'm just kidding, they are good kids. I do think it's a funny term...and now with golf season starting up, I can see it being grossly overused in our house all summer!!

PS - Go Wings!!


Jenny said...

I've never heard of the term "Kitchen Pass" either!!

The Rockin' Wife said...

I have never heard of it...but I am guessing it is like a "HALL PASS" for married men? Like Husbands don't get to go out, and are always in the Kitchen? Uh...... As.If.

Men sometimes annoy me! HA!

Jeni said...

Oh Jill, I soooo enjoy your witty posts. Nope, never heard of a kitchen pass either - must be a term that the boys with not so loving wives use. (insert devil smiley face here)

MaBeth said...

Kitchen Pass (def.) - 1. Authorization for leave of the household in order to pursue purely manly interests. 2. Official sanctioning of any activity performed outside of the household by the recognized governing body of the kitchen. 3. Permission from your wife or significant other.