Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Oh my during lunch, Elizabeth gave me her order for cinnamon toast (the kind with cinnamon & sugar SPRINKLED on it, not cinnamon bread!) and since I would never have made it as a waitress, I gave her the wrong kind! As she politely points out my mistake, I say under my breath, "Mommy's crazy..." and Andrew chimes in with, "Mom-mee kah-zee!" I grab the camera to try and get him saying this on video, because I think it's hilarious, and all he will do is say, "Cheese!" over and over, because that's all he ever does now anytime he sees a camera, or a cell phone for that matter...(because in our house, a cell phone is just another camera!!)

PS - did I mention this was lunchtime? check out the major bed-head...isn't he cute!!


Jenny said...

What a ham! Very cute. He seems easy to photograph.

Dangerous Daddy Daycare said...

Cute cute cute!!