Monday, April 21, 2008

Elizabeth's new bob...

Here is a picture of Elizabeth's preppy new bob..we (and by we, I mean me!) are trying to grow her bangs out, and they are just about there! To try and be diplomatic, I asked her if she wanted to grow out her bangs, and she says, "YES!" followed by, "What are bangs?" Oh well, at least she really is happy with it! Less hair means less time washing it, which translates to less time crying about it while in the bathtub...I don't know about you all, but I wish I had someone who would wash my hair (without having to pay for it!) ha-ha!

And of course, you can't take a picture of one around here without taking a picture of the other... monkey see, monkey do, monkey says, "cheese!!"


Anonymous said...

Very cute! I would love to get that haircut for my daughter and be done with the hair brushing battles.