Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have noticed some amazing changes in Andrew recently. He has always loved books, loved to read, play games, and things like that. He hasn't really been much into coloring or drawing. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was born with a hot pink crayon in her hand!! She LOVES to draw, and has since an early age. Even before she could really write, she'd scribble squiggly lines on paper, like she was writing a real sentence!

All of a sudden, over about the past month, Andrew has really started to draw and write. When they are little, their drawings and doodles are just so precious I had to share.

This one on green was done this past Sunday in church during the sermon. I believe it's the back of the church council nominee form. I call it "3 flowers on a hill" by Andrew!!

The next one is also by Andrew, done on some plain paper with some of those little Crayola markers. I'm not sure, but I believe it may be a family you see the four people standing there? Complete with green grass, blue sky & sunshine!! I think I'm going to frame this one!

While Andrew was searching through the markers and paper, we came across this drawing. I'm sure this was done by Elizabeth - that is how she used to make her "people", with the exaggerated hands and feet, complete with fingers and toes!! She must have been right around Andrew's age, perhaps age 3! So cute!

So precious to see children's artwork...and I especially love it when they put their creations up on the fridge by themselves!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good-bye, long hair!!

We are so proud of our Preppy Girl!!! She has been growing her hair since about kindergarten. Not really even sure why, exactly - we grew her bangs out, and then it just started from there! We've had the ends trimmed a few times in the past two years, but that's been about it. Over the summer, she decided that she wanted to cut her hair....SHORT! We told her that was fine, but let's wait a couple of months to make sure it's what she really wanted. (Because kids are never fickle, especially little girls, right?!!) Well, she decided that she really wanted her hair cut, especially after seeing some of her little friends come back to school with some super cute short hair cuts. We talked about it, and decided that we would have her hair cut at my salon, where they donate hair to a great organization, Children With Hairloss. My good friend and stylist, Amy, did the honors!

There's no turning back now!!

Look at all that hair!!

And the final result - a super cute short hair-cut!! (and very preppy with the plaid headband, right?!!) She is thrilled with her new 'do, and we couldn't be more proud of her act of kindness!

We love you, Preppy Girl!!

daddy & mommy

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Preppy Boy - Back to Preschool!

After patiently waiting for two weeks while Sissy had all the fun, Preppy Boy started his second year of preschool on Monday! Or, as he likes to call it, "Big-Boy School!" He will go 3 days a week, and is very excited (as you can tell from the picture! haha!) He is clearly not as excited about posing for pictures as his sister, but that's alright - at least I got one good one for the scrapbook! Last year, he went to preschool 2 days a week, and this year he'll go 3 days a week (which is pretty typical). On the way home from his first day, he was telling me all about it, and I told him that he'll get to back two more times this week! He smiled at first, but then his face fell and he said, "That's IT?!!" I explained to him that he can keep going all year - not just this week! haha!! I reminded him to do his best, play nicely with the other children, listen to his teacher, etc....

Let's just hope he doesn't actually do THIS at school!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Crafty Post!

Alright, we are back to school and in the swing of things! Preppy Girl is in 2nd grade this year, and is apparently going to have Spanish two times a week. There was a note in her assignment book (yes, assignment book!!) saying that she needed to bring in a small 3-ring binder for Spanish. Since I am a nerd obsessed with office supplies, of course I happened to have some 3-ring binders at home with the clear pocket covers. The scrapbooker in me couldn't just send in the blank binder, so this is what I came up with! I had an extra binder and enough material to make one for Preppy Girl's little bff. Of course Preppy Hubby thinks I'm absolutely crazy, but in the next breath, said that he wishes his mother could see it because she'd get a kick out of it! See, deep down he's on board with my obsessive ways!!

I found those adorable clip-art images of the little spanish doll and maracas and thought they were so cute! Probably more age-appropriate (and Christian-school appropriate!) than the margaritas I was going to use!! HaHa!! just kidding....HaPpy BAcK to sChOoL!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Preppy Summer!

We've had quite an exciting summer...preppy girl finally learned how to ride her bike without the training wheels, and preppy boy is much more confident on his little bike!! Many thanks to Papa and Grandma Stedry, who really can take all the credit. She learned while staying at their house for the weekend, then came home and perfected her new skills! Now all they want to do is go outside and ride bikes, which makes me sooo happy!! They both used to be a little afraid before - Elizabeth has even taken a couple of spills, but gets right back up and keeps on ri
ding! Way to go! And don't they look good...madras just makes everything better in my opinion!! wink! ; )

Preppy Girl

Preppy Boy

Friday, September 3, 2010

2nd Grade, here we are!!

Ok, I know it's been waaayyy too long, but I'm going to start posting again!! Can you believe our Elizabeth is in 2nd grade this year? It hardly seems possible! The theme for her school this year is from Psalm 139: "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." This is one of my favorite verses...and could not be more appropriate! Here are some pictures of Elizabeth on her first day, sporting her new (and very preppy!) backpack. I want to be sure to add that she picked it our herself, no suggestion from mommy at all, I swear!! (Which makes me even more proud! haha!)