Friday, September 3, 2010

2nd Grade, here we are!!

Ok, I know it's been waaayyy too long, but I'm going to start posting again!! Can you believe our Elizabeth is in 2nd grade this year? It hardly seems possible! The theme for her school this year is from Psalm 139: "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." This is one of my favorite verses...and could not be more appropriate! Here are some pictures of Elizabeth on her first day, sporting her new (and very preppy!) backpack. I want to be sure to add that she picked it our herself, no suggestion from mommy at all, I swear!! (Which makes me even more proud! haha!)


Michele Kovack said...

Doesn't it just go waaaay too fast? I sometimes want my children to stop growing up! (I have a 15 and 13 year old!) She is a cutie pie!

Preppy Mommy said...

Thanks, Michele! So true...seems like just yesterday she was starting preschool...I'm sure I'll turn around and she'll be a teenager!