Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Preppy Boy - Back to Preschool!

After patiently waiting for two weeks while Sissy had all the fun, Preppy Boy started his second year of preschool on Monday! Or, as he likes to call it, "Big-Boy School!" He will go 3 days a week, and is very excited (as you can tell from the picture! haha!) He is clearly not as excited about posing for pictures as his sister, but that's alright - at least I got one good one for the scrapbook! Last year, he went to preschool 2 days a week, and this year he'll go 3 days a week (which is pretty typical). On the way home from his first day, he was telling me all about it, and I told him that he'll get to back two more times this week! He smiled at first, but then his face fell and he said, "That's IT?!!" I explained to him that he can keep going all year - not just this week! haha!! I reminded him to do his best, play nicely with the other children, listen to his teacher, etc....

Let's just hope he doesn't actually do THIS at school!!